Off we go to Lisboa Portugal!
Day 1, no luggage. Somewhere between Paris and Basel Switzerland.
On our way to Summer Lake Hot Springs we stopped in the little town of Crescent and had a quick lunch at The Mohawk Restaurant.
Yup, they’ve got it all: lottery, taxidermy and the largest collection of Jim Beam collector bottles you’ve ever seen. Pretty fun place, definitely worth a stop should you find yourself in the neighborhood.
You have two choices at The Cowboy Dinner Tree: A 30oz steak, or a whole chicken.
Right about dusk we pulled into Summer Lake Hot Springs.
Definitely a highlight so far. 8 am start was chilly but sun warmed up quickly.
We stayed outside the park, much less crowded but still busy. We drove through and the weather was perfect, warm and sunny.
Well, an interesting start to the trip. While I basked and almost passed out from 104 degree heat in Las Vegas Gail was trying to get out of Milwaukee. Four and a half hours later she arrived. And off to Zion we go….to get away and social distance in a pandemic. Leaving the wildfire smoke in Washington, it followed me. A bit hazy and hot. To our dismay Springdale outside of Zion was crawling with tourists. Utah is basically not concerned about masks. We found a to go salad and hunkered down. Next day we found no parking in Zion and needed a shuttle to see the canyon so drove through and headed to Red Canyon and scenic Hwy 12 to Cedar Breaks National Park. Elevation 10,000 ft, and temp drop from 90 to 60.
Since all of our shows were cancelled in Las Vegas due to the pandemic we venture off to Utah to enjoy the great outdoors. And some social distancing
So, we have many posts of our recent trip to France, half on a riverboat going down the Rhone, half in Paris. This blog presents all the posts in reverse order, showing our very last post first. To make things easier for you, choose one of these links, and click to “newer” posts at the end of each page.
This first post shows you a map of where we’ll be in France. To move forward in time, click the right-side link at the bottom of each post and you’ll see our trip as it happened.
Or, click here if you’d like to view our journey starting with Paris.
Either way, the left-side links take you one post backward in time and the right-side bring you one post into the present. Click the right link at the bottom if you’d like to read about our trip as we lived it.
Here’s an index of some of the places we visited: