Gerties Place Twillingate

Gerties PlaceIMG_2011 IMG_2013 IMG_2015 IMG_2016 IMG_2018 IMG_2024 IMG_2026 is part of the Old Salt Box Co. At the end of Ragged Rd. Great house with big picture windows overlooking the bay, three couches, big kitchen for my personal chef to operate in, large bedrooms with claw foot tub in the bathroom. Did I mention my personal chef? I try not to go anywhere without her.

Here for a relaxing five nights. Had lunch at Addy’s watching icebergs out the window. Nice sunny day but cold – 50’sdaytime and 30’s at night. Those are mummers – not to be afraid!


Yeah, Patty gets pudding and whipped cream!IMG_2025


Off to Twillingate Iceberg Alley

Heading out to Twillingate. Drove through Terra Nova national park. Great place for camping. Stopped in Gander looking for puffin fabric, but there seems to be a severe shortage. Everyone is making puffin fabric crafts to sell apparently. Next stop Gander Bay Beothuk interpretive center. The last Beothuk survived until 1826. We were able to make spirit offerings from shells, feathers, cones, bark and sinew for offering in the spirit garden.

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Entry to Twillingate across from Captain Dave’s, two huge icebergs!

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