Everybody gets to make up their own very accurate danger signs. For some reason, Paris is a very dangerous place for bunnies. See below:
The first rainy morning on our way to the airport from our home for a week at Hotel du Champs de Mars. Next to Rue Cler Market.
Musée d ‘Orsay….the Louvre…Pompidou. Yes it was 22,000 steps worth. All my favorite artworks.
Our goal before we leave Paris….a hamburger, a pizza, and falafel. And as many macarons as possible. Wine seems to go with everything.
Be on the lookout for the street art of Invader. Based on 8-bit pixels you will find the mosaic images on many buildings.
St Sulpice
On our way to pizza we found this place -Pizza Chic – with the most glamorous restroom. Fit for a queen. And the pizza is pretty good too.
This work of modern art is titled “Joyce is Pooped at the Pompidou”
Good view of the city from up there.
There are many fine things to see at the Pompidou, again I didn’t take many photos.
A real Bauhaus chair!