Down the Champs de ElyseesAnd what’s a trip down the Champs de Elysees without a stop at the Apple store
And off we go
Damage from the yellow jackets. Continuing protests while we were here.
A lot of shops had been boarded up.
Now we go to St Germain and the Left Bank. Steve really? All those?
Oscar Wilde died here. Good to know. Now it’s a 5 star hotel and Michelin rated restaurant. Keep moving.
We enjoyed the ambiance for a beverage stop at La Palette where the bartender said Go Seahawks. No need.
Yes a Buick from California.
Author Archives: joyce
Notre Dame after the fire
We were able to get on the island to see Notre Dame after the fire along with the throngs and deep security. It was a quiet and solemn walk.
Self explanatory
Special section on the Rick Steve’s walking tour of the Marais.
Navigo yes to the Marais
Navigo passes for the metro for the week and off we go to the Marais walking tour. Very easy to go anywhere if you have phone access to find the best route.
Place des Vosges
Easter day
The American Church in Paris had a beautiful Easter service. All of the offerings from the service will go to rebuilding Notre Dame
And a nice walk along the Seine to the overpopulated Eiffel Tower. No we did not stand in line but did the obligatory selfie and back to the hotel for snacks and planning.
Off we go to Paris
Final night on the Liberte
More Arles and Cryptoportiques
I don’t know what pose that Steve is trying for here. Lean back leg high.
Arles Good Friday
Top chef!