And we wander and eat

Our goal before we leave Paris….a hamburger, a pizza, and falafel. And as many macarons as possible. Wine seems to go with everything.

Be on the lookout for the street art of Invader. Based on 8-bit pixels you will find the mosaic images on many buildings.

St Sulpice

On our way to pizza we found this place -Pizza Chic – with the most glamorous restroom. Fit for a queen. And the pizza is pretty good too.


We finally made stand in line for hours then walk through room after room of opulence and statues and busts. A palace fit for a king indeed.

Montmartre fabric district

And Sacre Coeur only 300 steps but a lovely view of the city. Coupons are fabric remnants I found out.

And that tiny red shirted guy at the bottom of the stairs is Steve at the No Problemo bar. My excuse for taking a break on the climb up.